Pitch SEquence – The PBL Podcast
A timeline of the History of the People’s baseball League
This timeline presents momentous occassions and snippets from league communications throughout the years. Relive what the players of the People’s Baseball League of yore felt through this living document.
Thousands of Years Ago
Women and men began playing with sticks and rocks recreationally. One would toss the rock while the other would try to hit the rock. – Source: anonymous
The New Orleans Pelicans team is formed.
Sometime in 2015
Gabriel Goldstein stops a game of Ping Pong at Mick’s lounge to declare, “Women are not supposed to play softball, they were meant to play baseball!”
February 2016
A Night at Pal’s Lounge
On a February evening in 2016, 3 future PBLers congregated at their favorite watering hole, Pal’s Lounge. Becky Mumaw, Hagen Curl and Adam Kronenberg. There was an early Mardi Gras this year, so there was that odd 3 weeks of February that was not Carnival. Perhaps swayed by the recent Mardi Gras Spirit, or the gift of non-Carnival February time, or the Thunder and Lightning outside, or the several beers consumed…Adam Kronenberg declared that he will start a league of baseball. A drunken idea that he happened to remember the next day.
March 15, 2016
The First Gathering
“Good People,
Last Sunday, March 13th, 11 baseballers showed up to play baseball. While we didn’t have enough to play a game, we practiced with some batting and infield. I’m sure we are still feeling the effects, I know I am. Shout outs to Mandy,Kristen and Melissa for making solid contact, Matt and Mike for holding it down at first base, Becky and Hagan for putting on the mask and catching, Clancy for his heckling, Rigo for bringing the family and Nathan for his hustle.
This Sunday, we’ll be playing at the same time and same location. THERE WILL BE 18 PEOPLE AND WE WILL PLAY A GAME OF BASEBALL. 3 PM at Lemann Playground on Sunday.
Please bring yourself and at least one other player.”
March 22, 2016
The First Game
“Good Baseballers,
We played a game of baseball!!! In only the second week!
21 people came out at various times and we were able to play 9 innings of baseball. We had to pitch and catch for our own team, but that ain’t bad.
Highlights of the game: The American League took it to the National League (Crete Street Riot) with an 11-9 victory. The Nationals had the tying run at the plate with two outs in the bottom of the 9th and several rallies in the late innings that came up short due to the stellar pitching and defense of the American League. Magro dazzled us with his ambidextrousness, Tyler mashed as if the movie Canadian Bacon was right and we are being invaded by our Northern neighbors, Becky smoked a cigarette while at-bat, we sang Take me out to the Ballgame, Eric broke a bat! and perhaps the most baseball thing of all…my dog, Ditto ate 6 pieces of bubble gum and drank nine beers that were a quarter full or more. His elastic shit is proof that baseball is back in New Orleans :)”
October 16, 2016
The Last Game of the First Season
“After a Spring of pick-up games, Adam carried on with his annual Westward Migration to the Islands of Fiji and Becky took over as the Commissioner. Here is her final report:
Good People of Baseball,
After 8 months of ball and over 25 games, I decided to end the season last Sunday. Last February, I made a prediction that the people of New Orleans want to play baseball. I figured that if there was a free, open to all levels outlet for the greatest game there is, that 18 people would show up and we would have a game. It took a little time, but this turned out to be true. It’s been an honor and pleasure to play with y’all. We’ll do this again in the Spring.
Whether you’re heading south for the Caribbean league, west for a barnstorming league, north back on the farm to chop wood and make F-150 commercials, proposing to your partner at Disneyland, or renegotiating a contract, I wish you the best. Please keep me posted on your obscure offseason injuries (I’ve already been attacked by an exploding ginger beer bottle).
Oh, and if you ever want to play catch, give me a shout.
Whiskey Shots:
The 100+ people who came to play ball
All of the field enhancement contributors
The Summer League
Women who play baseball
When Chris caught that homerun out of the oak tree
The tire
Lemann Playground #1
Becky (Go Tribe!)
Thank you
February 2017
The People’s Baseball League is Formed
At this time we decided to officially become a league. This was highlighted by the creation of our League Manifesto authored by Gabriel Goldstein and the introduction of a fee to play ball; $30.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
First Draft
The first and only DRAFT is held at Mid-City Yacht Club. There are few details that I can shed about this event considering the amount of conspiracy that surrounds this event to this day. However, I can share that there were concerns about not having enough players for 4 teams. In the end we decided to go with four teams, the Original 4: Crete Street Riot, 5th Ward Weebies, Rougarou and the Pelicans. Players such as Andrew Ryan, Edward Avery and David Dekay came out of this draft.
April 2, 2017
Opening Day
“Good People,
This Sunday is Opening Day!!! 1 PM at Lemann Playground – You, already knowwww
Crete Street Riot vs. 5th Ward Weebies (Backatown)
Rougarou vs Pelicans (Frontatown)
Below is a schedule of events for the day.
1:40 – Invocation by Andrew Ward
1:45 – Reading of the Manifesto by Gabriel Goldstein
1:50 – Musical Performance
1:55 – Opening Pitch
2:00 – Gametime
5th inning – Costume Run
7th Inning – Musical Performance
Postgame – Beer and Crawfish and Hot Dogs”
June 28, 2017
Comandante Suspended
“Dear Ballers,
It is with a professional heavy heart (but deep selfish glee) that I inform you that the Independent Hardballers Commission has allowed me to proceed with the wrap sans “news” alert because of the current and pressing issues facing the People’s Baseball League. As many of you know, we now find ourselves in a similar plight to the adorable creatures in Fern Gully, the Secret of Nimh, and an Inconvenient Truth: Capitalism is threatening our very way of life. Luckily, history has shown us that in the age old capitalism vs. baseball struggle, BASEBALL ALWAYS WINS.
Last Sunday a large crane and excavator were found brooding in right field on Frontatown. A few days later large holes were observed peppering the field. Intel from inside NORDC relays that Frontatown is to be turned into a football field, and Backatown restructured and fenced to become a little league-sized field. They have taken our fields, but they cannot take our heart. If we have to, we will play in the very streets of this City and the City will look at us and see us and the City will nod deeply in approval and say “it is Good,” and it will never rain on Sundays.
Happily, though, we won’t have to play in the streets. The erstwhile Commissioner, as we know unfairly banished to the South Pacific, and the Future of the League Committee had previously convened and crafted Plan A: Park Field Piracy (Plan B). This plan involves using two of the several fields in City Park, for which you are supposed to pay. This we will not do, for both moral and financial reasons. Therefore, this Sunday, at 1:30PM, we will meet at the fields in between the dog park and the disc golf course, on Diagonal Drive. First pitch at 2PM, as always. Baseball shall prevail.
Other things happened this week, of course, like the Riot raging over the Rougarou and the Pelicans pounding the Weebies. This moves the Riot into a TIE for first place with the Weebies.
Public Space Is for the Public
Centerfielders from Kansas: A New Trend in Baseball
30 Minute Yoga for Baseballers: A Primer by the Redheaded Stranger
Monday Night Movies now showing Major League**
Riot @ Weebies
Pelicans @ Rougarou
HR Leaders
Andrew Ryan 3
Cody Spiller 3
Hank Marrion 2
David Dekay 2
Matt Durham 1
Nate Allen 1
Kyle Murphy 1
Adam Kronenberg 1
Dennis Sonnier 1
Brian 1
Jeff Kemien 1
Charlie Fitzgibbon 1
75 tied with 0
Your Interim Commish and PBL Relocation Director
**This is real!!!!!! and is happening this Monday at the Weebie Compound (2708 Urquhart) at 7:59PM. Popcorn and Coors Light will be provided, so BYOB if you have tastebuds.”
July 2017
First Bench Clearing
Fall 2017
First PBL Championship
Rougarou v. Pels in what was supposed to be a three game series. Rougarou won game 1, and the remainder of the series was never played due to weather.
March 2018
The Beginning of the Expansion Era
Two new teams are added to the PBL: Old No. 7 and Parleaux Beer Labs. The PBL is now comprised of six teams!
May 3, 2018
First All-Star Game
The PBL hosts its first all-star game at St. Roch Park. Celebrity rapper, 5th Ward Weebie attends and throws out the first pitch. The Nola Petty Betties dance troupe perform on field. A costume run happens mid-inning. Here are some pictures!
May 29, 2018
Big Easy Eephus Travel Team Established
“Baseball Lovers,
June 3, 2018
Pels Win Spring Championship Against Parleaux
Final score: 13-4
July 11, 2018
Self-Umpiring Banned from PBL
“There will be bye weeks and mandatory 3rd party umpiring. No more umpiring your team’s game.”
July 11, 2018
Pelicans nearly dissolved
“We are going to have 5 teams for the Fall season. The Pelicans have gone out on top and will not be one of the 5 teams this Fall. Perhaps, they make a comeback in the Spring…
Charlie has been a huge part of the PBL. Congratulations on your championship last year and thank you for all you have done for the PBL!”
After this announcement, Pelicans players protested, elected new management, and were given an edict to have at least 14 players on their roster to remain in the league.
August 3, 2018
16-player Roster Requirement Implemented
“All teams will need 16 players who have signed up (waiver and dues) by Wednesday, August 22 at 6PM. Teams with less than 16 players will be dissolved into the league.”
August 26, 2018
Opening Day of Fall 2018 Season
Three games were played, as is tradition.
Pels @ Par
Rou @ Old7
October 6, 2018
All-Star Game w/Cookie Rojas
Cookie Rojas, GM of the New Orleans Babycakes Milb team came out for our all-star game and threw out the first pitch. Again, the Nola Petty Betties performed on field, and a good time was had by all.
October 20, 2018
First Big Easy Eephus Travel Game vs. Crescent League
The Big Easy Eephus squared off against the Crescent League and were destroyed by their softball-playing counterparts.
October 21, 2018
The Day Bats Broke
At least Eight (8) baseball bats broke on this single day in PBL history. Never forget.
October 31, 2018
PBL Gets a Beer
Parleaux Beer Lab created a hazy, session pale ale, and named it The Eephus as suggested by PBL players.
November 5, 2018
A New Commissioner and Establishment of Front Office
At the end of the Fall 2018 Season, Adam Kronenberg stepped down as Commissioner/Comandante and Nick Schmidt of the 5WW stepped into his position. Additionally, a front office consisting of the various PBL managers was formed to serve as a committee to govern and manage the league.
November 10, 2018
Second Big Easy Eephus Travel Game Vs. The Sauce
The Sauce came to our own home turf looking fresh, but the Big Easy Eephus clobbered them.
November 16, 2018
PBL Website Established
Built and designed by Braden Piper.
November 18, 2018
Parleaux Wins Fall Championship Against Pels
The fall championship saw a rematch between Parleaux Beer Labs and Pelicans BC. Parleaux prevailed victorious. Final score: 5-4.
January 22, 2019
Old No. 7 Rebranded to Secret 9
Under the leadership of Phil Minissale and after two difficult seasons, the Old No. 7 retired their name and color (pink) to emerge from the ashes as Secret 9, inspired by a team once sponsored by Louis Armstrong, with new colors of gold, grey, and black.
February 3, 2019 – 1 PM
PBL Plays Baseball on Superbowl Sunday
The baseball that day was 1000 times more interesting than the Super Bowl.
February 17, 2019
PBL Scrimmages Diamond Dreams League
The PBL continued their search for the other baseball players in the city of New Orleans and dicovered the Diamond Dreams League, a 35+ hardball league. A great time was had by all!
March 2, 2019
2nd Annual Endymion Saturday Protest PBL Baseball Game
AKA ESPPBLPBG. Because Mardi Gras is as good a reason as any to play baseball.
March 25, 2019
PBL Adopts Infield Fly Rule
Previously considered too advanced for the league, the PBL decided to adopt the infield fly rule this season.
March 31, 2019
Opening Day of Spring 2019 Season
Pels @ Par
S9 @ Rou
May 2, 2019
PBL Becomes Famous at Babycakes Game
The New Orleans Babycakes Minor League Baseball Team acknowledged members of the People’s Baseball League on-field, and the PBL’s own Matt Morrin of the Rougarou threw out the first pitch!
July 2, 2019
Helmet Rule Ratified
Communications Officer and Pelicans BC GM proposed the addition of a rule requiring baserunners to wear helmets.
Becky Mumaw, CSR Manager: I am voting in favor of the rule change to require baserunners to wear a helmet. I’ve seen a few close calls…not worth it.
Phil Minissale, S9 Manager: I support the helmet rule as well. I’ve taken one to the dome at first base. I was lucky to have that helmet.
Johnny Bartlett, Parleaux Beer Labs Manager: The labs support the helmet rule.
Nick Schmidt, Commissioner: It’s settled! But let the record note that 5th Ward registered a vote of dissent on this issue.
July 18, 2019
New Team Bayou St. John Blues Officially Added To League / New Logo Approved
Nick Shmidt, Commissioner: Gang, Attached is Alex Thompson’s (CC’d) unedited proposal for the constitution of a 7th PBL franchise. I promise I had nothing do with the team name. Let us know what you think! I, for one, am all aboard.
Bayou St. John Blues – New Team Proposal

January 21, 2021
Beef Sliders officially voted in as the newest PBL expansion team.