Sign Waiver/Pay Dues



Dues of $40 should be paid to the league Venmo account, Venmo @Peoples-Baseball or by cash to league finance officer Kevin O’Sullivan or your team manager. When paying via Venmo, please include your name, team name, and the message: “PBL Dues”

Venmo @Peoples-Baseball


You can also pay via PayPal below with your PayPal account or any major credit/debit card. Note: a $2 service fee will be added for paying via PayPal.



The PBL Waiver is required for all players who want to play in the PBL. You are not considered league-official until you complete this form and pay your $40 dues. Note: You only need to sign the waiver once. It is not necessary to sign every season.

    I hereby assume total responsibility of any injury, accident, incident, illness, or death to me while participating in or as a result of any NOPBL activity, game, practice, or function. I fully acknowledge that any cost incurred for any reason will be my sole responsibility, and not the NOPBL or commissioner.

    The NOPBL Commissioner reserves the right to disallow any player membership in the NOPBL. The NOPBL does not guarantee playing time for any player though managers are encouraged to be fair and reasonable in their assignment of playing time for players. Players are encouraged to pay by check or money order as proof of payment. Players who pay cash do so at their own risk. Players may be deemed ineligible to participate in games by managers for failure to pay team fees. Players not eligible to play for a team due to failure to pay are not allowed to play for other teams in the NOPBL until payment has been arranged to prior team.

    I hereby understand that fighting, physical abuse of players, umpires, or spectators, the use of abusive or offensive language, the abuse of any facility used by the PBL, could result in banishment from the league and forfeiture of all fees paid. Penalties shall be at the discretion of the Commissioner.

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