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Fall 2021 – Week 9 Recap

Happy Thanksgiving, folks 🦃. As you tell your family and loved ones around the dinner table all about the excitement of our rambunctious league, it’ll help to have some visual evidence to back up the sure-to-be outrageous claims you’re making. So here’s your mid-week update on the baseball had this past Sunday.

The Pelicans and the Secret 9 gave the morning call but no sugar covered donuts were had during this game. The Pels fall just three runs short as the matchup came to a close in the 7th. On the other side of the tracks, the Giants and the Sliders exchange the lead in a game that featured one of the longest home runs this reporter has seen at St. Roch. We love our neighbors but thank goodness no one was on that porch. 11 innings saw the Giants leave with the W. At the same time, CSR and the Blues were taking the field. Congrats, Dean on your first career home run. CSR falls to the Blues as the Weebies and Rougarou occupy their dugouts. And what a game for those two teams as the sun set over Perry Roehm. ROU took the lead early on but a couple of rallies in the bottom 7th and 8th innings saw the Weebies walk away with the win. Merry making and libations were shared by both teams following the game, reminding us all how thankful we are for each other and the great art of baseball.

Enjoy the BYE week!

Pictures & Videos Available Here

Pels (7) – S9 (10)

Blues (11) – CSR (6)

5WW (9) – Rou (7) – Listen to the full audio broadcast of this game here

BS (10) – GG (12)

Fall 2021 – Week 8 Recap

Kicking thing off this Sunday, the Weebies hosted the Giants at Perry Roehm. The Weebies battled the Green Giants (as well as false rumors of covid on the field) but Giants take the win with pitching that can only be described as having ‘No Chill.’ Down the street, the Blues played at St. Roch Park in an effort to watch Saints football that afternoon but — like the Saints — ultimately fell short to S9. Next up, the Beef Sliders hosted the Rougarou and Rougarou slaughtered. Slider mgmt described the score as “A shit ton to 1.” Closing the day out, Pels visited Crete Street where Charlie “Hesh” pitched a complete game. Pelicans earn their first win of the season in an exciting matchup. Week 8, here we come! See y’all out there at Perry Roehm this Sunday.

5WW (1) – GG (7)

S9 (7) – Blues (1)

CSR (4) – Pels (6)

BS (1) – Rou (24)

Pictures/Video Available Here

Fall 2021 – Week 7 Recap

What feels like ages ago, the past weekend contained vast amounts of baseball. Saturday morning saw S9 take on the Crete Street Riot which has been solely described as a “Helluva pitchers duel.” The following morning, the Rougarou hosted the Blues at Perry Roehm Stadium. Whether this game actually happened, this reporter does not know, but nevertheless a final score has been submitted. At St. Roch Park the Pelicans took the field against the Weebies in what can only be described as 18 to 20 people who generally like each other playing baseball. Note: this game is officially under protest due what can only be described as a total disregard for self-preservation or maybe just a fast track to a slight headache. The final game of the weekend was held at Perry Roehm as the Beef Sliders and the Giants took the field. Who knew that giants and small hamburgers went hand-in-hand?

Game results:
CSR (2) @ S9 (3)
Blues (8) @ ROU (2) Listen to the full game broadcast of this game here
PELS (4) @ 5WW (19)
BS (5) @ GG (18)

Pictures/Video Available Here

Fall 2021 – Week 6 Recap

The Baseball Gods and the weather goddess @margaretorrwdsu hath spoken: Autumn in New Orleans is a baseball paradise. This past weekend, conditions were perfect for baseball and therefore baseball was played. Taking full advantage of our sacred 48 hours of freedom at the end of each week, the Secret 9 and Gentilly Giants took the field Saturday in a high hitting contest. The crack of the bat filled the air with runners coming home in 8 of 9 innings. The following day, the Beef Sliders and the Rougarou saluted the rising sun with an exciting bout of their own. A tense match ensued as the Beef slid their way into their second victory on the season. The Pelicans hosted the Crete Street Riot thereafter in a game where the later innings took center stage. CSR rallied over the Pels as the Blues and Weebies looked with worry at their watches and sun. Eighteen ball players took the field at 3:15pm in hopes of 9 innings before the sun dipped below the horizon. A beautiful — and at times emotional — game ensued as both teams looked to squeeze a win out of each of their nine-player lineups. Two hours and 15 minutes later, the game drew to a close. The Baseball Gods were pleased with the offerings on the hallowed ground of Perry Roehm Stadium this weekend and hence granted the @saints a victory shortly after baseball drew to a close (you’re welcome).

Don’t forget folks, sports booking is here. Be sure to bet on your favorite PBL Teams down at Harrah’s. We know the Cajun Cannon will be there keeping a close eye on those of us who choose to dawn mitts every Sunday. Help us pump enough money into this sport and this league so your favorite airlines and corporations can place their logos on our jerseys. Managers and players are reminded that rules prohibit placing bets on your own team so if you’re a big Pete Rose fan, please don’t get caught and cause any unnecessary drama or headaches for this league or certain shit-talking PBL instagram accounts.

Game results:
S9 (8) @ GG (16)
BS (7) @ ROU (5)
CSR (8) @ PELS (6)
5WW (7) @ Blues (0)

Pictures & Video Available Here

Fall 2021 – Week 5 Recap

A beautiful, partly cloudy day provided the perfect setting for exciting baseball across the Seventh Ward. In the early game, CSR took on the Giants in an exciting back-and-forth. Down by 4 going into the bottom of the ninth, @cretestreetriot came back with 5 runs to walk it off. The noon game followed with the Blues hosting the Pels in the True Blue Cup, all while the Fifth Ward Weebies-Beef Sliders game was already underway at the nearby baseball diamond and hollowed ground: St. Roch Park. The Blues reclaimed the cup in an exciting matchup as the Weebies bested the hot Beef Sliders in a high scoring game that featured a grand slam off the transformer in left field (don’t worry folks, this had no effect on the lights that were already out with no plans from the city to maintain our beloved public infrastructure). In the 3pm game, the Rougarou and S9 battled themselves and the setting sun in a tight ballgame. Highlights included hot bats, incredible catches in right field, and ritualistic chanting of “Let Heath pitch!” No phones were injured in S9’s win over the Rougarou called off for darkness (just like the good ol’ days before stadium lighting found its way into every major league ballpark).

Game results:

GG (11) @ CSR (12)
5WW (22) @ BS (3)
PELS (2) @ Blues (8)
ROU (6) @ S9 (9) (Listen to the full audio broadcast of this game here)

Pictures/Video available here

Fall 2021 Week 2 Recap

Another Sunday, another beautiful day for baseball. The @fifthwardweebies and the @gentilly_giants_pbl sent up the morning call with a defensive heavy match. Submarine and sidearm pitches along with a first base mitt in center field proved challenging for the Weebie bats before small ball allowed them to pull ahead of the Giants. Quickly following the morning game, @cretestreetriot took the field with @rougarou_nola at home. The teams challenged each other — as well as some unruly fans who will not be named — in an exciting midday match with the duality of man (eephus pitches versus 900mph fastballs; or Dean versus Bruski) on full display. Also, our commissioner put his fence climbing skills on full display chasing down one those $9 baseballs. After the noonish game, the @bsjbluesbaseball played the @beefslidersbaseball in a game with no photographic evidence whatsoever. As the sun began its descent, the @s9nola and @nolapelicansbc took the field under beautiful gold and pink skies. A shutout rounded out the day but during the golden hour we were reminded why we play baseball in this dysfunctional and alluring city of ours.

5WW (3) @ GG (1)
CSR (5) @ ROU (6)
Blues (16) at Beef (1)
PEL (0) at S9 (10)

Pictures/Videos Available Here

Opening Day Fall 2021 Recap

The long awaited and serially delayed Fall Season of the PBL New Orleans has come. Opening Day saw the return of good friends, dramatic strikeouts, an “interesting” self-trade, plenty of HBP, and the continuation of a podiatric tradition that most of us are still trying to fully understand. Kicking things off at Perry Roehm, the Crete Street Riot and Weebies gathered at home plate for the reading of the Manifesto before engaging in what they call Feet Week. A beautiful 8-inning morning game led into the Mustard Cup. The Beef Sliders and Secret 9 faced off in an exciting back-and-forth eventually decided that Yellow Mustard would rule the day. Hot dogs were being served and beer was flowing as the Pelicans and the Rougarou engaged in a run-heavy match and came to the conclusion that werewolves don’t need moonlight to play baseball. Finally, the rematch between the defending champions and the Blues saw manager and ex-player face each other in a showdown after one of the most questionable offseason self-trades this reporter has ever seen — the result of which is captured here as the defying champion manager Ryan Carr strikes out former teammate Ryan Charles.

A great day for baseball. Results of Opening Day games below:

CSR (2) @ 5WW (6)
Beef (3) @ S9 (8)
ROU (12) @ Pels (7)
Blues (7) @ GG (2)


Pictures/Videos Available Here

Gentilly Giants Win Spring 2021 Championship

Gentilly Giants - Spring 2021 Champions

The People’s Baseball League Spring 2021 Season came to an exciting close on Sunday with the Gentilly Giants walking off the field minted as champions! Congratulations! Thank you to all who participated and contributed this season!

With a heat-index floating ~106° F (probably ~120° on the infield dirt), three games of baseball were played by four teams in what may be remembered as the “Heat Stroke Classic.”

9:00 AM – The 4-seed Weebies left it all on the field in an attempt to knock-out the 1-seed Blues in what may have been the most exciting game of the day. Despite trailing 6-1 after four innings, The Weebies fought back to tie the game 10-10 after 9, and take it to a 10th. In the top of the 10th, the Weebies went up by two runs, but the Blues refused to give in, loaded the bases, and chipped away until they earned their 3rd run scored in the bottom of the 10th for a walk-off win 13-12, and a berth in the championship game.

~12:30 PM – An anemic 2-seed Pelicans squad faced the super-charged 3-seed Giants. In an impressive feat of stamina, Giants manager Ryan Carr befuddled the Pels hitters on the mound for a complete game win bolstered by no less than four towering home runs from the aptly-named Giants hitters. The Giants ultimately run-ruled the Pelicans after 7 innings, winning 19-4, making way for the late-afternoon championship game.

4:30ish? – Two teams beat down by heat re-took a blistering field, with the Giants taking virtually no rest, and the Blues coming off a 4.5 hour lactic-acid buildup fest. The Blues briefly took a 1-run lead after the 2nd inning, and the baseball gods blessed all the players with some cloud-cover for the rest of the game. Ultimately the Giants bats could not be beat in this offense-heavy game with both teams tallying a total of 23 hits. After 8 innings, lightning and rain forced the game to a close with the Giants victorious 12-7.

Pictures/Videos Available Here.