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Week 3 Recap – Fall 2023

Your fair and completely unbiased reporter has returned to New Orleans just in time to feed the baby birds their midweek Instagram fix. Waking up at 4am severely jet lagged is no match for all the joy that the little red hearts give me on this app.

Anyways, this week’s update come with a story! Giants were down 13-0 after the third this past Sunday. The Beef pitcher struck out 8 players in those three innings! Can you believe it? The Giants used the strikeout rule to level the playing field and came back to win 15-14! What an exciting game!

Here’s the scores for the rest of the day:

BSJ (1) @ ROU (13)
S9 (13) @ 5WW (14)
Pels (11) @ CSR (6)

See y’all out there for pirate manual labor and/or on Sunday!


Week 2 Recap – Fall 2023

Our new saline overlord slowly approaches our shores but the People are still taking to the sandlot to pay homage to both the Baseball and the Rain Gods. Four games rife with drama and excitement were played at the great Perry Roehm this Sunday and luckily for all of the us, the only saltwater on the field was sourced from the tear ducts of those taking things a little too seriously.

But were there actually tears? Did it rain? This fair and honest reporter just doesn’t know. However, looking at these fun-filled images and videos it’s evident that fun and revelry flowed through the streets like the Murphy’s here in County Cork.

For those following along, the scores are below. For those wanting to see more than three teams in these updates every week, talk to your team or team manager to get that fixed.

Pels (13) @ BSJ (10)
CSR (6) @ S9 (5) – Listen to the broadcast here
BS (2) @ 5WW (11)
GG (3) @ ROU (4)

Pictures/Video Available Here.

Week 1 Recap – Fall 2023

It’s Autumn and Opening Day has occurred! That’s right, the Autumnal season of PBL that we all feared would never come has arrived and joy has once again been brought the the fabled chain link of Perry Roehm!

All teams took the field and payed homage to the great American art form we all love and know as baseball. Were there upsets? Why, not? Were expectations met? Some were that’s certain. What’s important is that baseball is back and from this fair reporter calling in from the Emerald Isle can see is that a lot of people had fun and then the Blues lost.

What will happen next week?! I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

5WW (6) @ CSR (11) [no feet this time]
GG (7) @ Pels (8)
Beef (4) @ ROU (5) [10] – Listen to the broadcast here
S9 (9) @ BSJ (7)

Pictures available here.

Spring 2023 Championship

Its been decided, the Blues and S9 will face off once more in the PBL Championship this Sunday. This Sunday is also Father’s Day. That’s right, these teams have before them a battle on two fronts: to win the Championship and to win their fathers’ love. I guess the rest of us are just going to have to send a card or give dad a call or something while we watch BSJ and S9 duke it out.

Its too damn hot for the rest of us to play ball after the Champions are crowned but unsanctioned baseball is still strongly encouraged. Its BYOB this time around so get some ice and bring a few to share with all of your PBL comrades in the stands.

Also, lets call out local celebrity, William Gilbert the great-grandson of Baseball God Larry Gilbert. William threw out the ceremonial first pitch this past Sunday with his daughter. It was a pleasure showing off the stadium and for the Gilberts to sit in what is now known as the Gilbert Box on the first base line. You know, the seats directly facing our trademark “fuck u.”

New Nicaraguan friends were made this weekend as well in a pickup game for the ages. Look at all those smiling faces!

See y’all Sunday baby!

Pictures available here

Playoffs Spring 2023

Yep, it’s been decided: the playoffs are here and we have seeding. Yes, it was the S9 in their new Beef Slider uniforms that took the cake for 4th place. The Gauntlet™️ has concluded and the standings decided.

This Sunday witness the team battle for who rightfully belongs in the final. The Rougarou will take on those Wild Card-esque S9 and those Pelicans and Blues will face off in the Tied-For-Second-Place Cup.

Oh and while everyone else was enjoying the odd series of doubleheaders, the Rougarou decided to go all groundskeeper on Larry Gilbert. Will this prove to be foolish? Find out Sunday.

Pictures on Instagram here

Play-In Week! Spring 2023

Tomorrow we head into The Gaunlet™️. That’s right, we’ve got three games to determine the final seeding for our postseason.

Yep, three teams couldn’t decide who’s more deserving of the free baseball promised land and are now playing the first ever play-in tournament tomorrow. Great baseball and a possible return of food trucks are sure to make for a glorious Sunday!

Schedule for this Sunday’s tie-breaker:

12 pm: CSR @ Beef
3 pm: Beef @ S9
6 pm: S9 @ CSR

Any team that goes 2-0 takes it; if all teams go 1-1, run-differential on the day decides it. Please stay hydrated!

Pictures/Videos on Instagram

Mid-Season Update Week 9 – Spring 2023

What a week it’s been! Members from only a handful of teams welcomed the @capcitycobrasbaseball to our humble ballpark this past Saturday. Friendship, jubilation, and revelry abounded through the grandstands at Larry Gilbert into the night as an illuminated field revealed itself unto a noble few. Thanks for coming by Cobras, it was a blast!

Rain threatened our regularly scheduled programming on Sunday but our head groundskeeper rallied the troops for some emergency field maintenance. All games were therefore played without incident. That is, if you exclude an attempted silencing of the media in the press box during the Rougarou-CSR game.

Makeup games continue being played throughout the week as our final regular season Sunday approaches. Who will prevail and who will have the guts to to enforce the strikeout rule to secure their playoff spot? Boring baseball gets forgotten, controversial baseball echoes through the halls of history.

Here’s the standings:
ROU 7-2
PEL 5-3
BSJ 5-4
CSR 5-4
BS 4-4
GG 4-5
S9 4-5
5WW 1-8

Pics of us on the gram

Mid-Season Update – Week 8 Spring 2023

And then God (colloquially known as Larry Gilbert) said, “Let there be light!” That’s right folks, the evening sun has risen over our humble stadium. Will there be more light? Will there be night games? Will there be a mid-season schedule change? Well, probably not on that last one.

So, our Lord and Savior dictated that sunlight would bathe our fair skin this weekend and we had ourselves some Sunday baseball — imagine that. Also, it was hot. Damn, it was hot and the Mustard Cup has never been so drenched in mayonnaise.

Baseball happened and therefore the standings changed. More importantly, however, we have company coming into town this weekend. That’s right, the Cap City Cobras are coming to town folks 🐍. EMAIL THE PBL IF YOU WANT TO PLAY!!!! Pickup game most likely to follow.

The game is at 1pm — that’s 13:00 for you European train station enthusiasts — on Saturday, at LG.

Anyways here’s the standings:
ROU 5-2
CSR 5-2
GG 4-3
Beef 3-3
PELS 3-3
BSJ 3-4
S9 3-4
5WW 1-6

Gram it for pics and vids

Mid-Season Update – Week 7 Spring 2023

Baseball, baseball, baseball! Baseball is what we want more of. Rain is what we want less of. Its the rainy season in our fair city, which of course means it is only rainy when it affects us wanting to play baseball. That doesn’t mean we’ve avoided playing baseball on odd days and at odd hours. Nor does it mean that we’ve avoided some controversy within our humble baseball league.

Regardless, Jazz Fest is over and everyone got their bye weeks so no more complaining, agreed? And hey, that new strikeout rule was used for the first time this season courstesy the Weebies. Andy was pulled after 8 strikeouts but the Weebies still lost this past Wednesday at the Roch. Given that and since no one got upset enough to make our sign stealing scandal interesting, here’s the standings. Hopefully the Rougarou moving into first place will be exciting enough to hold you over until this Sunday or until our friends the @capcitycobrasbaseball come to town to play all us Average Joes, Ben Stiller style 🐍. I’m sure there will be an email about this game to be played on May 20th so just be patient.

See you out there!

ROU 5-1
CSR 4-1
BS 3-1
GG 3-3
S9 2-3
BSJ 2-4
PELS 1-3
5WW 1-5

Pictures and videos are available here