Week 14 Recap

Peoples Baseball League Results for Week 13.5 of the Summer/Fall 2020 Season. S9 (5) - Blues (15). Rou (6) - CSR (9)

Peoples Baseball League Week 14 Results of the Summer/Fall 2020 Season. Pels (12) - Rou (5). 5WW (1) - Blues (6). Par (7) - S9 (3).

Wed, Sep. 30, 7:30 PM, St. Roch Park – The Blues and S9 square off in a pivotal game between the residing 4-seeds. The game stayed close through 4 innings, but eventually The Blues blast through a platoon of S9 pitchers with their powerful bats. Secret 9 (5) – Blues (15)

Thursday, Oct. 1, 6:00 PM, Harrison Field, City Park – Once teammates on the Fractured, now mortal foes on the diamond competing for the Fractured Cup. Crete Street Riot show up, and earn their first win of the season (as CSR).
Rougarou (6) – Crete Street Riot (9)

Sunday, Oct. 4, City Park Quadruplex
The shit show that is field scheduling in 2020 continues, as a double-booking by City Park forces them to concede the pristine and well-lit Quadruplex baseball field to the PBL.
Baseball-sized cutout ✔️
Pitcher’s mound ✔️
Foul Poles ✔️
No fence overhanging home plate ✔️
Home run porch ✔️
Ivy on the outfield fence ✔️
The biggest light bank this side of the Mississippi ✔️
What a joy it was to play on a field of this quality.

9:00 AM – The Pelicans come at Rougarou with a vengeance after two earlier losses, and put up runs in nearly every inning of play while mostly shutting down the Rougarou. Despite the Pels momentum, Rougarou do manage to put one over the left-field fence, and it may have killed a nutria—Swamp Rat on Swamp Rat crime. Pelicans (12) – Rougarou (5)

4:00 PM- The Blues continue their comeback kid story against the beleaguered Weebies, and proceed to hang around the field and get wasted while poaching beers off of everyone in sight. What’s not to love? Fifth Ward Weebies (1) – Blues (6)

7:00 PM – An exciting game with some really fantastic pitching between S9 and Par, but errors and expert Parleaux baserunning cost S9 the game. Parleaux (7) – Secret 9 (3)

Photos and Videos Available Here.

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