Opening Day Spring 2021 Recap

8:50 AM
The teams meet at home plate. David Dekay reads the manifesto, and NORDC Field Manager David Jenkins, Patron Saint of Perry Roehm Stadium, throws out the first pitch.
9:00 AM
Two PBL OGs, the Pelicans and Crete Street Riot opened the day! The Pels put together a five-pitcher team win against the fresh-uniformed CSR. CSR (0) – Pels (9). CSR may have lost their game, but they did raise a bunch of money for @yepnola by selling out of their new hats!
~10:00 AM – Free popcorn starts flowing out of our brand stinking’ new popcorn machine, somebody taps the keg, hot dogs get grillin’
11:40 AM
The Weebies occupy right field and make a bunch of short-arm throws in their warmups while the other game is still happening.
12:00 PM
The Fifth Ward Weebies introduce the Beef Sliders to the league with a high-scoring romp. 5WW (12) – BS (5). Play of the game goes to Schmidtty slipping in the mud at 2B.
At some point toward the end of this game Jake Gold from the Rougarou hooked his organ up to the PA, and for the first time in PBL history, we had a live organist!
3:00 PM
Two very different looking versions of Parleaux and Rougarou duke it out in the championship rematch game of the week! Despite 57-year old newcomer Ed Bruski spinning three scoreless innings for the Rougarou, Parleaux found enough drinking-aged players to get hits and put together a shutout. Par (8) – Rou (0).
6:00 PM
The Blues take it to S9 with some really good pitching on both sides. Blues (11) – S9 (3)
Thanks to commish Schmidt for running a tight ship, Phil for hooking up the PA and the keg, Weebie Mike for getting the popcorn machine and grillin’ dogs, Q’s friends for finishing the banner, Braden for running the website and the insta, and everyone who shows up players and fans alike to make this league great.

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